2010 St. Joseph County 4H Fair

Haley in her 'show whites' - Sr. Showmanship - Rsv. Champion

The goat show started first thing Monday morning.  Showmanship classes were first.  This was Haley’s first year in Sr. Showmanship.  She was thrilled to get Rsv. Champion.   This was Abby’s first year in Intermediate Showmanship and she did well also – 4th place.

Abby & Skipper on the cart course.

Skipper was a bit balky this year and Abby had to keep him focused.

Almost done.

Finished. Whew. Mom can breath now. Rsv. Champion.

The Cart Class immediately followed Showmanship.  Abby & Skipper had won Champion Cart Goat for the past 2 years.  They were ‘dethroned’ this year by our friends daughter and her goat.  But Abby & Skipper still did very well.

Haley walking in Nellie (5+ milking Swiss Sr. Doe Class). 1st Place.

Swiss class winners: Haley & Nellie (5+ yrs); Abby & Tabu (2 - 3 year); Lucas showing Ju-Ju (1 - 2 year).

Nellie won Champion and Tabu was Rsv. Champion.  They both went on to compete against the Nubian winners.  Nellie won Grand Champion Sr. Dairy Doe and Tabu was Rsv. Grand Champion.

Haley & Abby walking in two of our March kids.

Haley showing Jezabelle in unfreshened doe class (1 - 2 yr).

Lucas holding Nellie and Haley holding Elenore in Mother/Daughter. Winners.

Abby with her trophies and Nellie. Abby actually won Rsv. Grand Champion Sr. Dairy Doe with Tabu, but the heat was stressing Tabu and we didn't want to pull her out of the barn to take her picture.

Abby with Toots - Champion Swiss Jr. Doe

Abby with her buddy, Skipper.

The Rabbit Show was on Thursday.  The EA’s were on the table fairly early, with the Hollands immediately after.  The girls were the only ones there with EA’s – they took 3 total – so winning BOB & BOS wasn’t a surprise.   The girls also won BOB & BOS in the Holland Lops.   Abby won BOSG with her Netherland Dwarf Chestnut Sr. Buck, Napoleon.   So, they had 2 rabbits up for 4Class.    It WAS a surprise when Baize (the Jr. English Angora) was chosen as 4-Class winner!

Abby and Ki (both in purple) at the table watching the EA's being judged. Haley is behind Ki, you can't really see her.

BOB Holland Lop: GBF's Airdrie; Blue Jr. Doe

Haley waiting with Baize (4 Class winner) and another 4H'r with her Black Satin (6 Class winner) for the BIS announcement.

Haley just found out Baize had won BIS!

It was a REALLY BIG surprise, when Haley and Baize won Best in Show!

Abby was a bit disappointed with the fair this year, although, she still did really well.  We were putting the turkeys in the carriers to take them to the fair, and her hen got away and was totally uncatchable.  So, Abby was only able to enter her Tom (a pair is required).  Haley ended up winning Grand Champion Exhibition Turkeys with her pair of Bourbon Reds.

When they were deciding which bunnies they would take, Abby had the EA that I thought was the best and Haley had the Holland that I thought was the best.  The other bunnies were divided fairly between them (or so I thought).  Ha – so much for trying to guess what the judge likes.  Both the Hollands that won BOB & BOS were entered by Haley.  As was the EA.  So, Abby was quite irritated that her sister was getting all the hardware and glory.

She also got a short-straw with her market goat.  There were 2 heavy weight classes.  Haley’s goat (86#) was the heaviest in his group and Abby’s (90#) was 2nd to lightest in her group.  Haley won her class.  Abby was next to last.  This judge likes to pick a very heavy market goat and Abby didn’t stand a chance against the 122# monster the judge picked.  Haley ultimately lost to the 122# goat.  You just never know.

I purchased a hog from 4H friends and had it processed, so our freezer is full of yummy smoked pork chops, hams and sausage.  We also bought and processed a goat.  AND the broilers were taken in shortly after fair.  So, we are stocked for the winter.

Another fair done.  Now for the aftermath… cleanup.