“Little Bit”, “Mojito” and “Jupiter

Here are a few pictures of Little Bit that we took last night. We had him out on the couch with us (and the dog, and the cat!).

He curled up with Bandit (the cat) and took a little snooze for a while.  It was so cute.

Little Bit resting next to Bandit.

Little Bit resting next to Bandit.




I’ve been taking care of “Mojito” since the ISRBA show in mid-September.  He is a Sable Marten Britannia Petite bred by Krista Moe in Chandler, IN.  He is a part of the ‘bunny railroad’ – he is having a layover here at our house, until he is picked up by a transporter (Keith Rockwood) and taken out to Convention in California.  That is where his new owner will be picking him up (Tasia Thomas).

I’ve been very nervous taking care of him – he definately has a more ‘active’ personality then the Hollands or English Angora’s.  But, contrary to what I thought, he is not a biting-machine.  Although, when I was taking these pictures, he allowed me to click off a few before he leaped straight into the air about 4 feet.  That was my sign that the photo-shoot was over!



GBF’s Jupiter

I’ve also been ‘bunny sitting’ for a Chicago gentleman while he has been on vacation in Korea.  He purchased Jupiter from me back in February and needed someone to watch him while he was away.  Jupiter is out of GBF’s Tyraid x GBF’s Swiss Miss.  He was my pick of the litter, but Jupiter was the one for Wonseok.  He has been fixed and is the cutest stinker.

He is used to being a house bunny and running about free as a bird.  However, he has to be in a cage here and he is not very happy about it!

Such a handsome boy!

Such a handsome boy!
